SSCO Cookbook

The SSCO Little Free Pantry on 19th & Stevens

SSCO is collecting recipes for a neighborhood cookbook!

This community cookbook will not only contain recipes from your neighbors, but will contain your food-related drawings, poems, and stories, and will be a neighborhood food resource available to any resident!

Sharing food and recipes is a way of connecting with others across difference, time, and space. We would be honored if you would share a recipe that is meaningful to you, or simply your go-to quick dinner!

Not sure what to submit? Check out these ideas for some inspiration!


  • Beverages

  • Breakfast and Baked Goods

  • Desserts

  • Main Dishes

  • Side dishes

  • Soups

  • Vegetarian

Recipes and Memories from the Gardens

We would love to invite people who gardened in our community gardens with Robert Skafte (1957-2023) to submit recipes, memories, and pictures if you have them! Let us know how you used what you grew in your garden plots or share with us some fun times that you had. This will be in a special dedication section of the cookbook.

"I need to hear the bumping of pestles making percussion with sunrise and twilight. I need the scratch of grating tubers and the grinding of spices on stone. I need the sonic world of the ancestors, lullabies said while babies are fed, bawdy songs as the land is smoothed for planting. I need to understand the sound of the wind in the rice and the complexities of the yam mounds intercropped to save space. I need the rustle of the oil palm fronds so I can hear the generations speak."

- Michael W. Twitty

The Cooking Gene:

A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South